Hempsall’s consultancy, on behalf of HMRC, is running two upcoming information seminars in NI (via Zoom) on Tax-Free Childcare.
The first session is if you come into contact with families through your work. For example, you could be a health visitor, social worker, housing officer, early years or childcare provider, holiday activity provider, schoolteacher, or work in children’s centres, early help, job centres. If you work with families across the public, private and/or voluntary sectors and want to find out more about increasing the take up of Tax-Free Childcare on 31 May 7-8 pm.
The second session is If you offer services to families across the public, private and/or voluntary sectors and want to find out more about increasing the take up of Tax-Free Childcare and how it can help your business in 2023 on 5 June 7-8.30 pm
For more information and to register for the event download flyers: