Would this help you in dealing with your children’s big feelings?
A few years ago, when I read Dan Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson’s book the Whole Brain Child, I thought this would have really helped me when my kids were younger.
That started a journey of taking ideas from that book, with the help of others, creating a resource Building our Children’s Developing Brain and training workers to use it with families.
Now with along with the Autism Team in the South Eastern Trust , we have put these tools into an accessible Page Tiger tool that can help us all as carers and parents help our children with their big feelings. This may be particularly useful as we all help our kids through these challenging times.
What one parent told us: “It is the kind of stuff every parent should look at; I wish I had it a long time ago.”
We hope you find it as helpful as she did. https://view.pagetiger.com/selfcareforfamilies