Supporting Tetum Families

Dungannon SureStart continues to support its Tetum speaking families during lockdown #SureStartWorks

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Down and Ards & North Down LPGs Fortnightly News

Welcome to this 16th edition of Fortnightly News, the E-newsletter which shares information to improve the outcomes for Children and Young People in your Locality. As we adjust to the impact of the corona virus, this special edition has information on lots of home based activities, changes to service delivery and managing covid 19 for you to share.

Fortnightly news Issue 16 – April 2020

StreetReach Project Carrickfergus and Larne -July 2020

‘StreetReach is a 5 day community outreach project with a festival feel in Carrickfergus, Larne and the coastal areas. The project which is a collaboration between Summer Madness and YMCA Ireland is funded by the Education Authority Youth At Risk scheme. It will be run by young people with the aim of regenerating hope and working towards a local legacy of leadership.

Running 1-5th July 2020, young people can sign up to join a team and work alongside Host Groups in the areas who are putting together great interactive community projects for the teams to engage in. Teams can access full camping facilities at Glenarm Castle and receive all meals, transport and training all while gaining volunteer hours and active citizenship experience.

For more information or to register:

Review of Allied Health Professional Services for Children with Sensory Impairments – online survey now open

The Public Health Agency is carrying out a review of the services of the Allied Health Professions (AHPs) for children with visual, hearing or multisensory impairments up to 18 years-old*.

PHA would be grateful to hear from you if you are:

  • a young person with a hearing and/or visual impairment (up to 18-years-old)
  • the parent or carer of a young person with a hearing and/or visual impairment
  • a professional working with children and young people with hearing and/or visual   impairment

 Please could you share the link below with your networks, the survey will be open until Friday 14th February.

Word versions of all three surveys are linked below.

These can be filled in online or printed and completed, and returned either by email or by post to:

Jenny Kirkwood, Ground floor office, 12-22 Linenhall St, Belfast, BT2 8BS

If you require the survey in any other format please contact Jenny.

*Please note: for the purposes of this survey we are using the term ‘hearing impairment’ to refer to all types of hearing loss and deafness from mild to profound. We are using the term ‘visual impairment’ to refer to people who are partially sighted and who are blind.