Organ donation in Northern Ireland – what are your communication needs?

Organ donation in Northern Ireland – what are your communication needs?

This survey is a short survey to find out a little bit about your awareness of organ donation, how it works, and how you would like to be communicated with about a change in the law which will take  place next Spring 2023. ​

There are just 9 short questions and it should take only a few minutes to complete.

It is entirely confidential and will help us understand and improve how we can best engage with you on the topic.

Please complete the survey by: Friday 4 March 2022.

Thank you for your help.

From Spring 2023, the law around organ donation is changing to an opt-out system.

From Spring 2023, the law around organ donation is changing to an opt-out system. 

The new law will be known as Dáithí’s Law and means, in the event that organ donation is a possibility after you die, it will be considered that you agree to being an organ donor unless you have registered a decision not to donate, or are in an excluded group.

If you do not wish to become an organ donor then you will need to opt out on the NHS Organ Donor Register.

Organ donation is a personal decision and you will still have a choice if you wish to donate or not.

Until Dáithí’s Law comes into effect, keep talking about #OrganDonation and sign the NHS Organ Donor Register.

Whatever you decide, please remember to talk to loved ones about your decision so they will know what you would have wanted.

To read more about the law change visit

Would this help you in dealing with your children’s big feelings?

Would this help you in dealing with your children’s big feelings?

 A few years ago, when I read Dan Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson’s book the Whole Brain Child, I thought this would have really helped me when my kids were younger.

That started a journey of taking ideas from that book, with the help of others, creating a resource Building our Children’s Developing Brain and training workers to use it with families.

Now with along with the Autism Team in the South Eastern Trust , we have put these tools into an accessible Page Tiger tool that can help us all as carers and parents  help our children with their big feelings. This may be particularly useful as we all help our kids through these challenging times.

What one parent told us: “It is the kind of stuff every parent should look at; I wish I had it a long time ago.”

We hope you find it as helpful as she did.


Parents of eligible 5 to 11 year olds urged to get their child vaccinated

Parents of eligible 5 to 11 year olds urged to get their child vaccinated

The Public Health Agency (PHA) is urging parents of eligible 5 to 11 year olds to get their child vaccinated without delay. The call comes following the JCVI recommendation that;

children aged 5 to 11 years in a clinical risk group, or children who are a household contact of someone who is immunosuppressed, should be offered the COVID-19 vaccine.  For lots more information and booking visit