Early Interventions to Support Well-being

Increasing help seeking – creating opportunities for the workforce and members of the public to engage in early interventions to support well-being:

Aim: To engage members of the workforce in the HSC and C&V sector and the public in early interventions to support well-being.

Target audience: adults across our communities (regional) and the workforce in the HSC and community and voluntary sector. As this is early intervention and low intensity work (self-help), it is not aimed at people with more severe mental health challenges.

The four interventions include:

  • Using Self Compassion to Improve Wellbeing and Support Growth
  • Bend Don’t Break: a low intensity CBT based self-help to support resilience.
  • Making Our Nevous System Work For Us – Using the Polyvagal Therory to Improve Well-being
  • Building our Children’s Developing Brain: aimed at parents to help build emotional regulation with their children.

Time scale

From September 2023 until March 2024, 9 psychoeducational workshops, have been organised via zoom to engage participants in the work. (see details)