ESOL English for Speakers of other Languages

Please see attached links and resources online for general ESOL home learning and some specific resources targeted at teenagers.

ESOL Websites and Apps for Teenagers

Study at Home.

In addition, please see below a few other Northern Ireland specific links and information updates you may find useful:

  1. Belfast Met – ESOL provision – Academic Year 22/23 – * due to open for bookings for assessment and enrolment sessions in July 2022 (see below):

ESOL assessment slots with the Belfast Met College will only go live for online bookings via the link above on Thursday 21st July, at 1pm.

  1. In Northern Ireland, the BHSCT have developed on behalf of the region a set of leaflets explaining how to access HSC services through the NHS – see link below:

Access to HSC Booklet – 1 (

These HSC materials are translated into 15 different languages.

  1. Learning Unlimited are running brand new and forward looking CPD sessions for ESOL practitioners later this month and July 22. Designed by John Sutter (Learning Unlimited Director & Language/Literacy specialist) and focussing on aspects of ESOL teaching facing challenges and change. There are four interconnected subject areas: sociolinguistics, new literacies, multimodal communication and decolonisation – you can find a promo video and booking details via the link below:

  2. SOLACE – Free E-Learning course – Understanding Refugee and Asylum Seekers Mental Health

Would you like to be able to better support the emotional wellbeing of people seeking asylum in the UK, and influence others in your organisation to do the same? Our new online course is aimed at people in any role who may find themselves coming into contact with asylum seekers and would like to develop their understanding of the issues impacting their wellbeing so they can provide effective help.

E-Learning Flyer (