New Commissioned BME Projects

New Commissioned Projects / Services Regionally through Mental & Emotional Wellbeing and Protect Life/Suicide Prevention: BME (excluding Traveller Community)[i] from April 2015 March 2018

South Tyrone Empowerment Programme (STEP) has received commissioning  to lead the Stronger Together partnership in the design and delivery of a service to support and promote the mental and emotional well-being of minority ethnic communities in Northern Ireland.

The report on literature review will include a summary of principles of best practice in identifying mental health and emotional well-being promotion needs and building capacity of minority ethnic populations.

The steering group will be established to oversee consultation on and subsequent relevant stakeholder involvement in the development, delivery and evaluation of the pilot service. This will include engagement and consultation with key stakeholders, including minority ethnic communities and existing providers of mental health &emotional wellbeing and suicide prevention services from the statutory, community and voluntary sectors across the 5 HSC areas in Northern Ireland.

It will be designed and developed as evidence based project, to identify needs and build community capacity in relation to promoting minority ethnic mental health and emotional wellbeing which builds on and complements any existing, relevant, good practice initiatives within Northern Ireland.

For further information and engagement with pilot contact

[i] Aware- NI have been commissioned to deliver a specific Traveller –focussed pilot.