Free Nutrition Advice and Healthy Recipe Videos on YouTube





A new 3 part video series on air frying has been added to the Public Health Dieticians YouTube channel.

  • Are air fryers healthy?
  • Are air fryers cost effective?
  • Air fryer recipe ideas

Follow link to watch: 

A wide range of free 30 minute nutrition webinars for all life stages and healthy recipe videos are available to watch on YouTube. Follow link to watch: 

Top up your COVID-19 protection with the spring booster


The COVID-19 spring booster vaccination programme gets under way today [Monday 15 April], giving the more vulnerable members of our community the opportunity to top up their protection ahead of any potential waves of COVID-19 over the coming months.

This year’s spring booster will be offered to:

  • adults aged 75 years old or over;
  • residents in a care home for older adults;
  • individuals aged 6 months and over who are immunosuppressed.

The vaccines are being rolled out to eligible groups via GPs, community pharmacies and HSC Trusts.

  • Community pharmacies will be visiting care homes to vaccinate eligible residents.
  • People aged 75+ will receive an invite in due course from their GP surgery or they could enquire if the vaccine is available via a community pharmacy or HSC Trust.
  • Immunosuppressed individuals aged 18 or over will receive their vaccination via GPs, community pharmacies and HSC Trusts.
  • Immunosuppressed individuals aged 6 months to 17 years of age, as identified by their GP or specialist, can receive their vaccine from HSC Trusts.
  • Housebound patients will be identified by GPs and the Trust District Nursing teams will administer vaccinations.

April is Bowel Cancer Awareness month

Did you know?? A high fibre diet seems to reduce the risk of bowel cancer and other chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.

Most of us don’t eat enough. Find out some top tips from a Registered Dietitian on how to increase your intake.

Scan the QR code to watch this short video on the Public Health Dietitians YouTube channel or click the link

A wide range of free 30 min nutrition webinars for all life stages and healthy recipe videos are available.

Watch on YouTube at