CYPSP Pause and Reset Workshop


Wednesday 4th October 2023:  Lagan Valley Island Lisburn

The Children and Young People’s Strategic Partnership (CYPSP) held a workshop on Wednesday 4th October 2023 at the Lagan Valley Island in Lisburn to give members, as well as invited delegates from Outcomes Groups and Locality Planning Groups, an opportunity to review the strategic direction of CYPSP and look at how the collective leadership could be strengthened moving forward towards the next 3year Northern Ireland Children’s Services Plan.

Aidan Dawson, Chair of CYPSP and Chief Executive of PHA, opened the workshop and gave a brief overview on context, history and achievements of CYPSP to date, and outlined some of the new challenges and opportunities facing the partnership that were being shared with members by 4 key speakers during the morning.

View Examples of CYPSP Achievements Video 21-23

The Independent Review of Children’s Social Care Services

Eilis McDaniels, Director of Family & Childrens Policy at the Department of Health, shared the out workings of the review carried out by Professor Ray Jones outlining the 3 specific strands the review focused on and specific key reflections and recommendations that were identified within the review. She noted that although the review was silent in respect of CYPSP, the recommendations were in line with the ethos of CYPSP in respect of organisations working together to improve outcomes for children and families.

The review is currently out for public consultation and Eilis encouraged members to provide as much feedback as possible on their own views and that of their organisation.


Children and Young People in Community Planning

David Burns, Chief Executive of Lisburn City and Castlereagh Council and Chair of SOLACE stepped in at short notice on behalf of Marie Ward, Chief Executive of Newry, Mourne and Down Council, to provide an overview of community planning, the focus on children and young people within community planning and shared collaboration and activity that was currently happening between local councils and CYPSP.

David referred to the importance of the Children Services Co-operation Act and the opportunities of working as equal partners through meaningful co-operation to improve wellbeing, share resources and pooling funds to deliver better outcomes for children and families across each council area.  He shared the numerous connections already in place with CYPSP across all council areas and acknowledged the importance of continuing to strengthen those links and partnership working to enhance delivery against shared priorities.

Northern Ireland Integrated Care System

Vincent Ramirez and Allan Chapman from ICS Programme Directorate, gave a background to ICS being the new commissioning framework for Health and Social Care services in Northern Ireland based on collaboration and integration as a single planning system for NI focusing on improving outcomes and reducing health inequalities. He shared the Strategic Outcomes Framework that includes an outcome that Children and Young People will have the best start in life.

Vincent highlighted the clear importance of ICS linking to existing partnerships and networks in working with wider partners both regionally and locally with ICS providing strategic leadership for system alignment that will help inform Departmental decision making on priorities.  Vincent and Allan also shared information on the Southern Test AIPB and the importance that they link locally in respect of ongoing work to avoid duplication of effort and ensure information on needs and gaps are shared back into the AIPB and to look at where ICS/AIPB could add value back to local partnerships.


Mental Health Strategy: Early Intervention and Prevention

Stephen Murray, Public Health Agency, informed members that as the regional lead organisation for commissioning early intervention and prevention services to promote positive mental health and wellbeing, the PHA is taking the lead role for delivery of Actions 1 & 2 of the Mental Health Strategy.  He outlined progress on the implementation structure to date in respect of steering groups and subgroups and workshops in respect of taking forward Actions.

Key areas highlighted included communication and public awareness raising, develop or expand existing systems for sharing information on services, creating supportive environments and training and capacity building to support early intervention and prevention. Stephen also acknowledged the importance moving forward on continuing to build the network and relationships and making links with CYPSP and others to avoid duplication and to look at good practice in delivering on Actions 1 and 2.

Afternoon Sessions

The afternoon sessions focused on the future of CYPSP by looking at what is working well currently; what could be better; and what could the future look like and in particular taking on board the morning presentations.

Ella and Lynsey from the Leadership Centre facilitated the afternoon sessions.   The first session explored CYPSP from a Strategic Perspective with 4 stations set up around the room looking at accountability; partnership and equity; collective leadership; and impact and outcomes.

Members were provided with sticky post its and pens to share their thoughts based on a series of questions at each station focusing on what is working well, where do challenges exist and what would the future look like.

The buzz in the room was great with all members participating in the exercise with loads of thoughts and information shared.

The second session in the afternoon included members breaking into 3 groups to specifically look at outcomes groups, locality planning groups and regional sub-groups.  Each group was facilitated again to look at what is currently working, what are the challenges and what could be done better.


Again, there was enthusiastic discussions and great feedback captured and we will share the final outcome report across CYPSP.

5 Oct 23

The Incredible Years Facilitator Training

The Incredible Years® Parent Group Leader Training Workshop

This information is for the ‘Basic’ Parent Group Leader Training. Participants will be trained to deliver any one of three programmes: the Basic Parent program (for parents of children aged 2 – 8); the School Readiness programme; and the Toddler Programme [The ‘home coaching’ manual can also be utilised by group leaders if delivering the 1:1 home coaching programme].

Led By: Maria McAleese, Incredible Years® (IY) Mentor NI
Tel: 07920022782
(*Workshop dates are subject to minimum numbers registered by one week prior to start date).

This is an accredited 3 day training workshop. Participants must attend all 3 days in order to be registered with IY Seattle and awarded their Certificates as Parent Group Leaders. Some pre-reading will be emailed to participants, in addition to some in-between session reading.

Total Cost of the workshop is £395 per participant.

The cost includes: refreshments, snacks and lunch will be available on all 3 days; registration with Incredible Years® Seattle as a trained Basic Parent Group Leader; copy of the Incredible Years® Book, ‘The Troubleshooting Guide for parents of children aged 2-8’ by Dr Carolyn Webster-Stratton (third edition); and individual workshop notes.

How to register
Please email Maria ( if you would like to register for the workshop. Places may be limited and will be allocated on a first come first serve basis. You will receive an emailed invoice for payment purposes, this will be issued before the start date.

More information about the Training

The workshop for the Incredible Years® Basic Parent Group Leader Training (to cover toddlers, preschool and school aged children from 2 years up to age 8) is an accredited training which is three full days. The programme is designed to promote positive strategies and to assist parents in managing children’s behaviour problems. This intervention programme is used by various professionals (therapists and parent educators from psychology, social work, teaching and education, nursing and psychiatry) who work with families of young children.
The programme topics include: play; helping children learn; using positive reinforcement; effective limit setting including establishing effective rules and routines; how to ignore inappropriate behaviour; and using the Time Out approach as a non-violent discipline approach; problem solving; effective communication skills; and supporting children’s education. Group therapy process skills for group leaders such as empowering parents, collaborating, dealing with resistance, confronting and teaching, supporting and advocating for parents will all be covered. Participants will learn effective parent group leader skills and feel confident to deliver the programme to parents thereafter.

Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any query at all!

Check out my Mentor bio on the website!
Go to › Training Workshop Schedule (under ‘Quick Menu’) › Certified Incredible Years® Mentors › Parent Basic Programs (2-8yrs) › Maria McAleese

SHSCT Step 2 Drug & Alcohol Service

PHA commissions a Step 2 Alcohol and Drugs Service for adults 18+ years across the Southern Trust area. It replaces the previous ‘Step 2’ service that was provided by Southern HSC Trust.

The Step 2 service offers intervention for adults who drink alcohol at hazardous or harmful levels (scoring 16-19 or 20+ on AUDIT) and adults with harmful drug use. The level of use can be indicated on the referral form or assessed by the Step 2 service.

A second component of the new Step 2 service is the provision of support for family members in their own right, whether or not their relative is accessing treatment for their use of alcohol or drugs.

All service details, including referral forms for individuals and for family members, are online at Alcohol and Drugs support for people in Southern HSC area.

Self referrals are accepted however I encourage you to refer people for whom this valuable service can provide professional patient centred support to meet their needs. The Step 2 service also provides interpreting support for those who require it while accessing the service. Consent is required from the patient and the referral form should be submitted with as much detail as known at the time of referral.

Should you wish to discuss the Step 2 service or signpost patients you can;

Email: or Telephone: 07591 834 468 (Katrina)

The Southern Area Drug and Alcohol Service Directory can be accessed here (

Should your practice wish to learn more about services available locally, you can contact our Connections team by emailing

Cancer Focus – Vaping – The Facts Training

A number of E-cigarette/Vaping Information sessions for professionals in healthcare, social care, education, youth work and others have been arranged for 2023 funded by the PHA and delivered by Cancer Focus NI.

Further information has been included in the Vaping – The Facts training dates poster below. This training will be provided via face to face sessions across various venues in Northern Ireland.

Note: There are currently dates available in June and additional dates will follow in due course


Tax Free Childcare Information Sessions

Hempsall’s consultancy, on behalf of HMRC, is running two upcoming information seminars in NI (via Zoom)  on Tax-Free Childcare.


The first session is if you come into contact with families through your work. For example, you could be a health visitor, social worker, housing officer, early years or childcare provider, holiday activity provider, schoolteacher, or work in children’s centres, early help, job centres. If you work with families across the public, private and/or voluntary sectors and want to find out more about increasing the take up of Tax-Free Childcare on 31 May 7-8 pm.

The second session is If you offer services to families across the public, private and/or voluntary sectors and want to find out more about increasing the take up of Tax-Free Childcare and how it can help your business in 2023 on 5 June 7-8.30 pm

For more information and to register for the event download flyers:

Tax Free Childcare Information for Providers

Tax Free Childcare information for Professionals