EITP Trauma Informed Practices Resources Live – QUB Evidence Review and NI ACE ANIMATION

The Safeguarding Board for Northern Ireland (SBNI) commissioned Queens University Belfast to complete an international trauma informed practice evidence review.

A full evidence review report has been made available alongside several sector specific trauma informed research documents from health, social care, child welfare, justice and education perspectives.

The EITP Trauma Informed Practice Resources are now available to download:

 Trauma Informed Practice Evidence Review Reports

The Safeguarding Board for Northern Ireland (SBNI) commissioned Queens University Belfast to complete an international trauma informed practice evidence review. The reports are now available to download on the SBNI website https://www.safeguardingni.org/resources-professionals

NI ACE Animation

The NI ACE Animation is now available to view on Vimeo and Youtube at the following links.

VIMEO (no subtitles) – https://vimeo.com/327246740

VIMEO – Subtitled – https://vimeo.com/330114583


YOUTUBE – https://youtu.be/I-r3Xi7qByU

YOUTUBE – subtitled – https://youtu.be/LY-8HilOzh0


Martin Sloane: Belfast Area Outcomes Co-ordinator

Belfast Area Outcomes Group are delighted to announce that Martin Sloane has recently been appointed as Locality Planning Co-ordinator for the Belfast Outcomes Area.  Martin, is widely experienced in delivering partnership development and advocacy work. He has a   significant level of knowledge of both the geography and the community infrastructure across the Belfast Outcomes Area. 

Prior to Martin’s appointment to Locality Planning he was employed by  Belfast Health and Social Care Trust as a Senior Practitioner (Social Work) working exclusively with the Irish Traveller Community.  Martin has a history of building positive relationships and networks across the  voluntary, community and statutory sectors  both at local and regional levels.

Martin took up this new post in January and is looking forward to supporting the development and delivery of local, area-based plans for children, young people and their families.  Martin is committed to striving for better outcomes for all families that reside across the Belfast Outcomes Area and is looking forward to tackling this shared objective in partnership with  community voluntary and statutory partners.




Resilience: the Biology of Stress and the Science of Hope on 13 December

South Belfast LPG hosted a screening of Resilience: the Biology of Stress and the Science of Hope on 13 December. 

This was identified in their current action plan, which highlights the need to raise awareness of ACEs and improve resilience.  46 people attended the screening which was held in the Agapé Centre.  The event included the documentary and a discussion panel of Maurice Leeson; HSCB on behalf of the Regional ACEs Reference Group, Fintan Connelly; Take Ten and Nicola Hannigan; Barnardo’s. 

100% of attendees reported an increase in their knowledge of ACEs and toxic stress with one attendee commenting “…how valuable to see children holistically, understanding and supporting them, rather than blaming and punishing them, could change the world…”

Please see report card here

As part of this action a second screening was held on 16 January hosted Donegall Road Primary School for 30 teachers and schools staff from schools in the area.  This screening included a question and answer session with Mairead Weir, Principal of St. Joseph’s Slate Street West Belfast.