Introduction to Infant Mental Health

An Introduction to Infant Mental Health Awareness workshops which will be facilitated by Karalyn Hill, Clinical Psychologist are now available for booking.

The 3 sessions are in Armagh, Newry and Portadown and registration is through Eventbrite – links on the flyer.  All sessions are the same so you only need to register for the most suitable one for you.

Friday 27th March 2020 – Register
Brownstown Community Centre, Portadown

Friday 24th April 2020 – Register
Tower Hill, Armagh

Thursday 21st May 2020 – Register
EA Youth Resource Centre, Newry

All sessions: 9.30am to 12.30pm

Expressions of interest accepted up until Thursday 12th March and open to anyone working with children and families in the Southern Trust area.



Children’s Emotional Health workshop

Children who have positive emotional health and wellbeing tend to have better outcomes in life.  ParentingNI are holding workshops to encourage parents of children to recognise the importance of their children’s mental health, exploring how parents can provide opportunities for children’s emotional development.

Thursday 12th March 2020
Time: 7pm – 9pm
Location: Armagh Business Centre, 2 Loughgall Road, Armagh

Register at


Southern Area LPG’s FYI E-Bulletin Evaluation

January saw the first anniversary of our fortnightly e-Bulletin, FYI (For Your Information), which shares information on events, programmes, research and everything else related to improving outcomes for children and young people in the Southern Trust area. To date we have had 25 editions of FYI, with a total of 760 pieces of information, averaging at around 26 pages and 30 pieces of information, in each edition. The number of recipients on our mailing list has now reached 700 and it also distributed to all local schools through the C2K network.

We are keen to evaluate the impact of FYI with both those organisations/services who have advertised and those who receive FYI. We have produced a 1-page feedback form which can be obtained by e-mailing Please submit this to the same e-mail address by Friday 6th March.

To date, some of the overwhelmingly positive feedback which we have received has included:

• I love the newsletter! It’s absolutely brilliant, so much information.

• It’s an invaluable, user-friendly resource.

• Definitely have found this invaluable in terms of getting our service into the Southern Trust area.

• Full of interesting information – I always learn something.

• Thanks so much. It’s a fantastic document and I hope people will have a read and take advantage of the fantastic facilities and events.

• Many thanks for sending through the newsletters, it is a vital source of information of what is going on in local areas.


For further information, contact Joanne or Darren in the Southern Area Locality Team at



Southern Locality Planning Groups Mental Health & Emotional Wellbeing resource

CYPSP’s Southern Area Locality Planning Groups are currently mapping provision for services to promote better mental health and emotional wellbeing for children and young people across the Southern Trust area.

The resource, which will take the form of a services directory, will be available online, on the CYPSP website, for professionals and families to see what is available in the local area.

If your organisation or service carries out work (e.g. core business or programmes / activities) relating to the above, please contact to request a submission form.

Closing date for submissions: Friday 22nd November 2019

Southern Area LPG Information Bulletin Issue 13 – 25th July 2019

Welcome to the 13th edition of our information bulletin, FYI (For Your Information). There are so many exciting and relevant events and programmes throughout the Southern Trust Area, aiming to improve outcomes for children and young people. 

Southern Area LPG Information Bulletin Issue 13 – 25th July 2019