Drug and Alcohol Service Directories

Drug and alcohol misuse affects individuals, families and communities across Northern Ireland.

In recognition that no agency can address this issue alone, five multi-agency partnerships (Drug and Alcohol Coordination Teams) exist across the region.

In 2015, PHA brought together the five local DACTs to form a Regional Steering Group to work collectively to address drug and alcohol misuse by developing events, initiatives and resources.

DACTs are Drug and Alcohol Coordination Teams. DACTs are made up of statutory and community agencies with an interest in, or need to, address drug and alcohol issues in the Trust area. There is a DACT for each Health Trust area in Northern Ireland, and each has a Connections team. We (Connections) support the development and implementation of each DACT’s action plan. We also offer a range of services as outlined on the NI DACTS website

Your local DACT Connections Service can be contacted in relation to any alcohol and/or drug-related concern or query that you may have — they will be able to advise you on how they, or your local DACT, can help.

There are a range of early intervention, prevention and treatment services available in each locality area. For further information on services in your area please see the local drug and alcohol service directories below.

Trauma in Children Podcast

Clinical psychologists Karen McWhinney and Ciara Downes discuss –

– What parents need to know about trauma in their children
– How it can impact feelings and behaviour
– What helps children recover
– How to stop the cycle of trauma within families

Listen now to their trauma podcasts, and others, on:

Spotify: https://crowd.in/FL96vs
Apple: https://crowd.in/wYtKl9
Google: https://crowd.in/cqIiuK

11-16 Yr Olds Can Now Get Their COVID Travel Certificate on Their Phone

Vaccination and recovery travel certificates for this age group are applied for by parents and guardians.


The young person can then download the app to their phone and simply scan the certificate obtained by their parent or guardian.

This will also assist those travelling with groups of young people – such as teachers on school trips – by providing a digital backup to printed certificates.

The new feature on the app also allows young people to display a COVID Recovery certificate – the official record of a positive PCR test.