In January 2019, the CYPSP Southern Area Locality Development Team introduced a new innovative way of sharing information on the great work of services and organisations striving to improve outcomes for children, young people and families in the Southern Trust Area.
With the aim of strengthening contacts, participation, engagement and connections in the region, Southern Area LPG members, as well as the wider community, are invited to submit flyers, posters & announcements promoting relevant events, opportunities, programmes and initiatives. All of this information is then collated and shared via a one-stop shop style newsletter, FYI’ (For Your Information).
This fortnightly e-bulletin is currently circulated on alternate Thursday afternoons to over 800 contacts, advertising on behalf of a varied range of community, voluntary & statutory organisations. The newsletter is also widely promoted across various CYPSP social media channels and e-mail circulars.
With ‘FYI’ having moved into its 80th edition in April this year, the time was right for us to review this fortnightly newsletter and how it is making an impact on the ground.
The good news is that the Southern Area Locality Development Team are already making positive changes to our e-bulletin on the back of feedback received through the recent survey!
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who responded to our survey and told us how you view ‘FYI’. Thanks, too, to all of our Southern Area LPG members and newsletter recipients for their continued support of this information sharing service.
To see the difference ‘FYI’ is making, click HERE.
If you would like to be added to the ‘FYI’ newsletter circulation list, please e-mail the Southern Area Locality Development Team on