Issue 135 – Southern Area FYI – 17 October 2024

Welcome to Issue 135 of our fortnightly newsletter, ‘FYI’ (For Your Information).

Image with text promoting FYI (For Your Information)

Image with text promoting FYI (For Your Information) 

Download Issue 135 

(Note: Newsletter will download directly to your device.  Look out for the pop-up box and click on open file when it appears)

With the half-term breaking coming up, the next issue of ‘FYI’ will be circulated in three weeks time, on Thursday 7th November. (We’ll send out a reminder closer to the time!).

In the meantime, next Monday, 21st October, sees the start of Parenting Week. We have included, in this edition, a wide range of support and opportunities for parents, and encourage as many people to avail of these resources as possible.

 Have a listen to the fantastic Podcast on Page 34 on Anxiety-Based School Avoidance by Parentline NI, where they share some of the stories and experiences from parents and shine a light on this pertinent issue.

Locality Development Team (Southern Trust Area)