As many young people are currently preparing for exams some may experience stress and anxiety at this time. For some young people the effects of stress are minor and can be managed effectively but for others it can be a time of heightened anxiety.
This little book is designed to assist young people to recognise the signs and symptoms of exam stress and provide them with coping skills and strategies to manage it effectively. It also provides them with information to assist them to prepare for exams i.e. planning for revision, prioritising tasks and revision tips. The little book reminds young people to seek support from family and friends and know how to be kind to themselves. In addition, it includes QR codes for other relevant and useful wellbeing resources which they will find useful during exam time.
In developing this resource we consulted with young people through a focus group to ensure that it meets their wellbeing needs.
Please share this Little Book of Exam Stress Self-Care with your contacts to support pupils especially those who have exams over the coming months.
Please find below the relevant links to the Little Book, including an Irish version and a video of instructions on how to fold it: