Nurture in Nature expression of interest

Please find information in relation to Nurture in Nature training for practitioners in the Southern Trust Area working directly to support families in early years. The training is an introduction to promoting and supporting play in the natural environment and is coordinated and funded by Clare Drummy, Southern Trusts Physical Activity Lead, PWB.

Click here to view Nurture in Nature Flyer

Training details:

Date:   Thursday 26th September.  

Time:  10.00 am – 2.00 pm (you must attend the full session)

Location: Kinnego Bushcraft Centre, Oxford Island, Lurgan, Craigavon


What to expect on the day:

The day will consist of a mix of theory and practical activities in the outdoors to facilitate play with children and young people and build capacity with staff to support families in the ethos and huge benefits of the great outdoors.

The session will include a range of activities such as:

  • Forest School Theory (Play/Bushcraft/Conservation)
  • Talking stick
  • Sit Spot
  • Guardian Tree
  • Natural fun activities
  • Skills – Using ropes, hand drilling, fire lighting etc
  • Environment & Conservation
  • Resources
  • Benefit Risk Assessment

To complete the expression of interest click : Please complete by Friday 28th June 2024. Applicants will be notified if they have received a place by Friday 5th July 2024. We ask that only those who are able to share the learnings from the training with families in their role apply. Numbers are restricted to max 15 for the training.

Just to note: this is not a prerequisite to Forest School training.