Issue 103 – Southern Area FYI – 11 May 2023

Welcome to issue 103 of our information bulletin, ‘FYI’ (For Your Information).

Download Issue 103 

(Note: Newsletter will download directly to your device.  Look out for the pop-up box and click on open file when it appears)

As you will see on the next page, we are about to embark on collating all opportunities we can for summer activities for children and young people available in the Southern Trust Area. We ask that anyone who wishes to advertise their forthcoming summer programmes and activities, to send us through the relevant details as explained on the page.

We will also endeavour to include no/low cost activities for summer, bearing in mind the current economic pressures felt by families.

This information will be included in the next 2 editions of ‘FYI’, so your assistance will be most appreciated.

School Uniform Recycling Toolkit Available NOW!

The Southern Area School Uniform Recycling Toolkit is a FREE resource for any school to use to help set up a recycling scheme. Including editable flyers, checklist templates and evaluation tools, this resource can easily be adapted for use by community organisations too. To access the toolkit, contact Darren Curtis, CYPSP, at

Issue 102 – Southern Area FYI – 27 April 2023

Welcome to Issue 102 of our information bulletin, ‘FYI’ (For Your Information).

Download Issue 102

(Note: Newsletter will download directly to your device.  Look out for the pop-up box and click on open file when it appears)

Welcome to another information-laden edition of ‘FYI’ (For Your Information), Issue 102.

Did you know we send this e-bulletin to nearly 800 contacts across the Southern area, made up of all our Locality Planning Group members and people who have asked to receive this great resource? If you have anything to publicise, ‘FYI’ is a great way to reach a high number of people who work in the field of improving outcomes for children and young people, including family support. We also send it to a large number of parents and caregivers too, as well as anyone else interested in receiving the information.

Next month we will dedicate 2 editions of ‘FYI’ to include all summer activities which we know of in the area, so please send us any information you may have for your activity. We will include a template in our next edition for completion by all wishing to advertise your summer activity/activities.

Locality Development Team, Southern Area

Issue 101 – Southern Area FYI – 4 April 2023

Welcome to Issue 101 of our information bulletin, ‘FYI’ (For Your Information).

Download Issue 101

(Note: Newsletter will download directly to your device.  Look out for the pop-up box and click on open file when it appears)

With Easter nearly upon us, we have produced ‘FYI’ a few days earlier, to give you more time to peruse all the opportunities, events and resources. Please note, our next edition will be in just over 3 weeks time, so you have time to send your notices in to us after the Easter break.

In this edition, please share the information on page 3 to any schools you may have contacts with as we are hosting 3 short briefings online for schools and other interested groups on our new School Uniform Recycling Toolkit.  Also, feel free to share page 8 with your contacts regarding a free online information session on local drugs & alcohol services by SDACT.

Finally, for those in the Armagh locality, and for anyone who provides a support service for any age, see page 27 for further information on our forthcoming free event, as part of the Feel Good Armagh programme.

We hope you have a good Easter and are able to take a few days to recharge your batteries!

Locality Development Team, Southern Area

Issue 100 – Southern Area FYI – 23 March 2023

Welcome to the milestone 100th issue of our information bulletin, ‘FYI’ (For Your Information).

Download your copy here

So, we’ve made it to 100 ‘FYI’s! A real achievement for our very small team and made possible by all of those who have submitted information on a wealth of relevant issues. Thank you to all and to those who have signed up to receive this every fortnight. And a massive thank you to Joanne, in our team, who is the creative talent behind it!!!

We have included some testimonials from our valued partners over the years which tell you how invaluable they have found ‘FYI’ over the last 4 years – Our very first edition was creatively called ‘What’s On’, released on 21st January 2019 and consisting of just 12 pages…

May we also draw your attention to our new School Uniform Recycling Toolkit on page 3 which we are inviting all schools across the Southern Area to use to help families recycle their children’s school uniforms, and also to our invitation on page 4 to anyone who wishes to come along to one of our Locality Planning Group meetings. The meetings include a lot of information sharing which is always very beneficial to all.

In the meantime, see you in a fortnight for Edition 101!!

Locality Development Team, Southern Area