Issue 129 – Southern Area FYI – 4 July 2024

Welcome to Issue 129 of our fortnightly newsletter, ‘FYI’ (For Your Information).

Download Issue 129

(Note: Newsletter will download directly to your device.  Look out for the pop-up box and click on open file when it appears)

We start this edition with a request to any of our Locality Planning Group members to complete a short survey to confirm your continued interest in receiving relevant correspondence. By members, we mean anyone who has attended one of our meetings. The survey on Page 3 is also open to anyone who would like to receive notifications about our meetings and relevant papers & info.

This is one of 2 editions of ‘FYI’ which will circulate throughout the Summer. Our next edition is on Thursday 8th August, so please bear this in mind when sharing any of your flyers and information.

 We hope you enjoy your summer and get a chance to have a well-earned break!

 Locality Development Team (Southern Trust Area)

Southern Area FYI Issue 128

Welcome to Issue 128 of our fortnightly newsletter, ‘FYI’ (For Your Information).

Download your copy here

In this edition, you will find more information on summer activities taking place across the Southern Trust Area, starting on page 4 (This follows on from our previous two editions, highlighting summer provision for children, young people and families. You can easily access these previous editions, Issues 126 & 127, by following the links on page 53.)

Did you know that if you click on the underlined purple writing on most slides, these will take you directly to the page or contact you are looking for?! Try it by clicking on any of the words or phrases below in our ‘Contents’ section.

The next issue of ‘FYI’ will be going out on Thursday 4th July and two further newsletter editions will follow over the summer. Further details will be included on circulation dates in Issue 129.

 In the meantime, stay connected!

Feel Good Armagh – New Services Resource

On Saturday 15th June 2024 the Feel Good Armagh event was held on The Mall in Armagh. This free event was organised to help all ages of the communities in Armagh to find out what support and opportunities were available on their doorstep.  Over 50 services and organisations held information stands to inform the public (and each other) of what they provide, and activities were held for children along with historical walking tours of The Mall. Music and food were provided too!

A new resource was produced by the Planning Group of attending services on the day, and the resource was both printed and available digitally which is regularly updated.

Download  Resource Here

The event was funded by Ark and Triangle Housing, ABC Council and Children in Northern Ireland. The Planning Group consisted of member organisations from CYPSP’s Armagh Locality Planning Group (LPG) who were ABC Council, SHSCT, Barnardo’s PosAbility and Family Support Hub, ArKe Sure Start, Youth Action NI, React, Papyrus, West Armagh Consortium and Vibe.

For further detail, contact Darren Curtis, CYPSP Locality Development Officer at

Nurture in Nature expression of interest

Please find information in relation to Nurture in Nature training for practitioners in the Southern Trust Area working directly to support families in early years. The training is an introduction to promoting and supporting play in the natural environment and is coordinated and funded by Clare Drummy, Southern Trusts Physical Activity Lead, PWB.

Click here to view Nurture in Nature Flyer

Training details:

Date:   Thursday 26th September.  

Time:  10.00 am – 2.00 pm (you must attend the full session)

Location: Kinnego Bushcraft Centre, Oxford Island, Lurgan, Craigavon


What to expect on the day:

The day will consist of a mix of theory and practical activities in the outdoors to facilitate play with children and young people and build capacity with staff to support families in the ethos and huge benefits of the great outdoors.

The session will include a range of activities such as:

  • Forest School Theory (Play/Bushcraft/Conservation)
  • Talking stick
  • Sit Spot
  • Guardian Tree
  • Natural fun activities
  • Skills – Using ropes, hand drilling, fire lighting etc
  • Environment & Conservation
  • Resources
  • Benefit Risk Assessment

To complete the expression of interest click : Please complete by Friday 28th June 2024. Applicants will be notified if they have received a place by Friday 5th July 2024. We ask that only those who are able to share the learnings from the training with families in their role apply. Numbers are restricted to max 15 for the training.

Just to note: this is not a prerequisite to Forest School training. 

Issue 127 – Southern Area FYI – 6 June 2024

Welcome to Issue 127 of our fortnightly newsletter, ‘FYI’ (For Your Information).

Download Issue 127 

(Note: Newsletter will download directly to your device.  Look out for the pop-up box and click on open file when it appears)

We are hurtling towards Summer during these busy weeks, and just to give you an idea of the various Awareness Weeks and Campaigns currently running and coming up: Volunteers Week is running now and next week sees Men’s Health Week, Infant Mental Health Awareness Week, Loneliness Awareness Week and Carers Week. Further information on all these start on Page 18.

 We are also in the middle of ‘Summer is Coming’: an addition to ‘FYI’ to highlight forthcoming summer schemes and activities across the Southern Area. This is essential for families and practitioners to know what is available for children, young people and families this summer. Keep sending us your information on these and anything else which can be of use to children, young people and families.

 Locality Development Team (Southern Trust Area)