Southern Area Locality Planning Groups FYI – 1st April 2021

Welcome to the 56th edition of our information bulletin, FYI (For Your Information).

Issue 56 – 1st April 2021

Over a year since our first Covid-19 lockdown and we have endeavoured during this time to inform on services, activities and information available that may improve outcomes for children and young people in the Southern area.

Our next edition will be on Thursday 15th April. Please submit relevant information to us by 13th April, with some guidance notes included on the last slide. You will also find dates for our forthcoming Locality Planning Group meetings which are open to those working or volunteering with children, young people or family support services.

Stay connected!

Kerry O’Hagan and Darren Curtis 

Locality Development Team, Southern Trust Area

Southern Area LPG Information Bulletin – 11th March 2021

Welcome to the 55th edition of our information bulletin, FYI (For Your Information).

FYI – Issue 55 – 11th March 2021

Census Day is fast approaching so we have included relevant information in pages 2-5 regarding the process and additional support and information. Please take some time to read through and hopefully this can help those who work with families, to complete the process.

To advertise in our next edition on 25th March, please send any relevant information by Tuesday 23rd March. Some helpful hints are on the last slide, along with dates of our next Locality Planning Group meetings which you are welcome to attend.

Stay connected!

Kerry O’Hagan and Darren Curtis

Locality Development Team, Southern Trust Area

Southern Area LPG FYI Bulletin – 25th February 2021

Welcome to the 54th edition of our information bulletin. FYI (For Your Information).

In the second slide you will learn a little about Locality Planning Groups and how you can get involved with contributing to our Action Plan for 2021-24. This is a great way to work in partnership to improve lives of children and young people.

To advertise in our next edition on 11th March, please send any relevant information by Tuesday 9th of March. Some helpful hints are on the last slide, along with dates of our next Locality Planning Group meetings which you are welcome to attend.

Stay connected

Kerry O’Hagan and Darren Curtis

Locality Development Team, Southern Trust Area





Southern Area LPG FYI Newsletter | Issue 53

Welcome to Issue 53 of ‘FYI’.

Firstly, we would like to thank all of our member organisations who have continued to provide programmes, activities, workshops and webinars to support children, young people and their families across the SHSCT area.

We hope this e-bulletin can be of use to your service, organisation or families you work with during this difficult period. Most activities remain online at this time and we would recommend confirming with the provided contacts that they are still running as advertised.

There are opportunities for parents of children/young people with a disability to share their experiences  f schooling during the Covid pandemic, and an opportunity for young parents to have their voices heard for the Children & Young People’s Plan. Please share these opportunities with parents and carers you may work with.

Please also continue to share this e-bulletin with your contacts, so that we can keep each other updated and supported.

Stay safe and stay connected!

FYI – Issue 53 – 11 February 2021




Southern Area LPG FYI Newsletter | Issue 50

Welcome to Issue 50 of ‘FYI’.

It is fantastic to reach the milestone of 50 editions of FYI since it began in January 2019. Your positive feedback has told us that it is a much needed resource and is of great use to families, services and organisations who work with children, young
people and families.

Included in this edition are dates of all our Locality Planning Group meetings for 2021 and links to further information, including how to join us at our meetings.

Our next edition will arrive in your mailbox on Thursday 7th January 2021, so as always, please submit anything you wish to be included in a timely manner!

FYI – Issue 50 – 17th December 2020

Have a very peaceful Christmas Holiday and best wishes for the year ahead!