Developing emotional resilience of young people at the KEADY KEY Club



The CYPSP Armagh Locality Planning Group with a number of leading partner organisations including the Education Authority and Enable NI established Keady KEY Club in September 2016 to provide a safe and stimulating space for children and young people with an additional need to come together to learn, have fun and development confidence and emotional resilience.
Since September 2016 an additional 21 referrals for children and young people with an additional need from the Armagh area have been made to KEY Club of which has extended the programme to offer support to almost 40 young people.


Following a series of skills development and education sessions with the young people attending KEY Club a residential weekend at Killowen Outdoor Education Centre encouraged young people to get involved in outdoor activities that they previously had not participated in to build confidence and team building skills.


Click here to read more about Keady KEY Club


Contact Us:

For further information  please contact Darren Curtis, Southern Outcomes Area Locality Planner by email at or telephone 028 95 363 216


Keady Youth Engagement Project – Exploring disability and diversity

The CYPSP Armagh Locality Planning Group has been working over the last six months to challenge behaviour and attitudes towards children and young people with a disability and to support the emotional wellbeing of children with a disability and their families in Keady area of Armagh.

In September 2016, the Armagh Locality Planning Group with a number of leading partner organisations including the Education Authority and Enable NI established Keady Engage Youth (KEY) Club in the local area. Key Club provides a safe, fun and stimulating space for children and young people with a disability to come together to learn, have fun and develop confidence and emotional resilience.



Key Club Volunteer Grainne Madden has been supporting the young people attending the Club through a voluntary capacity and has said ‘I recently began volunteering for Enable NI in my local youth club, Keady Engage Youth (KEY Club) and it has been such a positive experience for me. It is great to see the participants socialising and interacting with each other, and the volunteers. The youth club is full of laughs, activities and friendship and this is great to see for local people with disabilities. I am looking forward to lots more experiences, and sharing them with these amazing young adults’.


Read more about the project 


Get in touch

For more information contact Enable NI by telephone at 028 3887 2111 or email


Armagh Disability Awareness Training

Barnardo’s Sixth Sense Children and Young People’s Project facilitated Disability and Diversity Awareness Training; entitled ‘We are more alike than different’ on 22 September 2016. Fourteen members of the Armagh Locality Planning Group attended the workshop.

It was reported through the evaluation that knowledge had greatly increased following the training with members noting a greater understanding of disability issues.

A massive thank you to Barnardos Sixth Sense Children and Young People’s Project for delivering the training and Arke Sure Start for hosting the training