Final ‘Supporting Parents in a Digital World’ cyber bully workshop

Final ‘Supporting Parents in a Digital World’ cyber bully workshop

January 2014

The final CYPSP ‘Supporting Parents in a Digital World’ workshop from the southern outcomes area cyber bully roadshow with cyber bully expert, Wayne Denner will be held on:
Date: 28 January 2014
Time: 7pm-9pm
Venue: Gilford Community Centre, 5 Stramore Road, Gilford, BT63 6HL
More information about workshop

If you are a parent or work with children and young people and would like to attend this workshop please contact or telephone 02837 414 456 to book a place at this workshop.

Supporting parents in a digital world workshops

Supporting parents in a digital world workshops

October 2013

Making good choices online, educationally and socially, is a valuable life skill for children and young people today. They need these skills for protection and to maximise life and employment opportunities. Their online reputation matters. What you do online reflects who you are offline.
Parents across the Southern area have been raising concerns about keeping up to date with new technology and asking for help in understanding how it all works and how best to help their children keep safe.
The locality planning groups in the southern area have decided to do something to address the concerns raised and have organised a number of workshops to allow parents to hear some advice and ask the questions they want to ask in an informal setting.  The workshops called “Supporting parents in a digital world” will be held in a range of local venues.  The list below shows where and how to book your place. Read more …

Flyer about workshops in Armagh, Banbridge and Dungannon areas

Tooth fairy shares dental tips in Keady

Tooth fairy shares dental tips in Keady

October 2013

A series of tooth fairy events are being held across the Southern Outcomes Group area. The first of these events was held on 1 October in Keady. The Tooth Fairy joined children, young people and their families to share dental tips and to highlight the importance of regular visits to the dentist at a dental information event. The event, organised by Arke Sure Start and the Children and Young Peoples’ Partnership (CYPSP) Armagh Locality development officer, aimed to raise awareness of the importance of good oral health and encourage local families to attend the dentist regularly.

A local hygienist from Keady dental Practice and a Dietician from Arke Sure Start were on hand to give advice on how to prevent tooth decay, care for teeth and gums, the sugar content in food and drinks and ideas for healthy snacks.  Also, there was a puppet show and storytelling sessions to help children and young people understand why they need to look after their teeth and gums. .
Read more about this event
Read about the Armagh Locality Planning Group
For more information contact Julie Bolton on 028 3741 4456 or by email on

Organisations engage with young people at the CYPSP Youth Volunteer Fair in Armagh

Volunteer Fair

Organisations engage with young people at the CYPSP Youth Volunteer Fair in Armagh

September 2013

The CYPSP Armagh Locality Planning Group and Volunteer Now successfully engaged with children and young people from twelve local schools and the community in Armagh in September 2013 to raise awareness of the importance and benefits of volunteering. The Deputy Lord Mayor of Armagh, Councilor Gerard Paul White said:
“The Council is very supportive of the work carried out by our young volunteers who give up their time to provide such a vital service in their local community.  This fair is an excellent and innovative way to showcase the variety of opportunities available for our young people and encourages them to get involved.  I must congratulate the Children and Young Peoples’ Strategic Partnership (CYPSP) Armagh Locality Planning Group with Volunteer Now and Armagh Area Learning Community for hosting this event.”

The Youth Volunteering Fair was supported by over twenty organisations that provided young people with information about their services and volunteering opportunities. Volunteering has been found to be vital to provide young people with skills that will compliment educational attainment and broaden future employment opportunities.

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