Issue 129 – Southern Area FYI – 4 July 2024

Welcome to Issue 129 of our fortnightly newsletter, ‘FYI’ (For Your Information).

Download Issue 129

(Note: Newsletter will download directly to your device.  Look out for the pop-up box and click on open file when it appears)

We start this edition with a request to any of our Locality Planning Group members to complete a short survey to confirm your continued interest in receiving relevant correspondence. By members, we mean anyone who has attended one of our meetings. The survey on Page 3 is also open to anyone who would like to receive notifications about our meetings and relevant papers & info.

This is one of 2 editions of ‘FYI’ which will circulate throughout the Summer. Our next edition is on Thursday 8th August, so please bear this in mind when sharing any of your flyers and information.

 We hope you enjoy your summer and get a chance to have a well-earned break!

 Locality Development Team (Southern Trust Area)

Western Area FYI – Issue 8

Download Issue 8

(Note: Newsletter will download directly to your device.  Look out for the pop-up box and click on open file when it appears)

Welcome to the packed 8th issue of FYI your monthly round up of all things family support and early intervention/ prevention.

If you would like to contribute upcoming consultations, training, articles, or events that practitioners from the community, voluntary or statutory sectors within the Western Trust will find useful please contact:

Dr Priscilla Magee – Mobile  07880723076 /

Paul Sweeney – Mobile  07387259117 /

FSH Newsletter – June Edition

The June edition of the Family Support Hub Newsletter is now available

(Please Note: Newsletter will download directly to your device.  Look out for the pop-up box and click on open file when it appears).

‘Hello and welcome to the June edition of the Family Support Hub Newsletter. It’s hard to believe we’re on the cusp of the school summer holidays already! With that in mind Yvonne has been working away to get all the information fitted in with a special effort to include information about summer activities/events alongside the usual array of useful information. Throughout the summer we will also be sharing information across our CYPSP social media channels so please check these out.

It is also packed full of information for parents/carers, early years, children & young people with a disability,  mental health and wellbeing advice,  Helplines and much more – make sure you download your copy now!

Previous editions of the newsletter are available at  under Family Support Newsletter section.

Feel Good Armagh – New Services Resource

On Saturday 15th June 2024 the Feel Good Armagh event was held on The Mall in Armagh. This free event was organised to help all ages of the communities in Armagh to find out what support and opportunities were available on their doorstep.  Over 50 services and organisations held information stands to inform the public (and each other) of what they provide, and activities were held for children along with historical walking tours of The Mall. Music and food were provided too!

A new resource was produced by the Planning Group of attending services on the day, and the resource was both printed and available digitally which is regularly updated.

Download  Resource Here

The event was funded by Ark and Triangle Housing, ABC Council and Children in Northern Ireland. The Planning Group consisted of member organisations from CYPSP’s Armagh Locality Planning Group (LPG) who were ABC Council, SHSCT, Barnardo’s PosAbility and Family Support Hub, ArKe Sure Start, Youth Action NI, React, Papyrus, West Armagh Consortium and Vibe.

For further detail, contact Darren Curtis, CYPSP Locality Development Officer at

Western Area FYI – Issue 7

Download Issue 7

(Note: Newsletter will download directly to your device.  Look out for the pop-up box and click on open file when it appears)

Welcome to the packed 7th issue of FYI your monthly round up of all things family support and early intervention/ prevention lots of exciting events happening which hopefully you can join.

If you would like to contribute upcoming consultations, training, articles, or events that practitioners from the community, voluntary or statutory sectors within the Western Trust will find useful please contact;

Dr Priscilla Magee
Mobile 07880723076 /
Paul Sweeney
Mobile 07387259117 /