Welcome to Issue 112 of our fortnightly newsletter, ‘FYI’ (For Your Information).
(Note: Newsletter will download directly to your device. Look out for the pop-up box and click on open file when it appears)
As we move into autumn, we will continue to promote advice and support services for families who are more adversely affected by the cost of living crisis. Please make sure to share these with families with whom you work. We also welcome all information which may benefit children, young people and families, so please keep us informed of such services.
Views are being sought on the recommendations of the report of the Independent Review of Children’s Social Care Services in Northern Ireland, conducted by Professor Ray Jones. Responses are welcome from anyone with an interest in or views on the subject covered by this consultation, so please respond if relevant – See page 20 for further details.
As usual, please submit any flyers or information to us by close of play on the Tuesday before ‘FYI’ is released.
Locality Development Team (Southern Trust Area)