Childline Launch New ‘We All Feel It’ Campaign Aimed at Young Males

Childline Launch New ‘We All Feel It’ Campaign Aimed at Young Males

Childline data suggests that mental health is a top concern for the young males who contact the service. That’s why Childline has launched a new mental health campaign, ‘We all feel it’ to support young males to reach out for support.

Watch the video

Self Harm Awareness

Self Harm Awareness

However you feel, your feelings are valid. You matter and deserve help and support.

You might still think about self harm, even if you’ve stopped, and that’s okay.

You are not alone.

If you need help with self-harm or thoughts of self harm, our page on finding support might help . It also has peer-support resources, so you can talk to people who have been there, too.…/suicidal-feelings-crisis


Organ donation in Northern Ireland – what are your communication needs?

Organ donation in Northern Ireland – what are your communication needs?

This survey is a short survey to find out a little bit about your awareness of organ donation, how it works, and how you would like to be communicated with about a change in the law which will take  place next Spring 2023. ​

There are just 9 short questions and it should take only a few minutes to complete.

It is entirely confidential and will help us understand and improve how we can best engage with you on the topic.

Please complete the survey by: Friday 4 March 2022.

Thank you for your help.



When a child’s fears become overwhelming they often turn to play to work things out. Children may not have the words to express their fears, but they have the play skills to act them out.

Play is a perfect place to work out what is going on in their little minds. It can also give parents a window into their child’s fears –