Southern Area Newsletter FYI – 74

Southern Area Newsletter FYI – 74

Welcome to the 74th edition of our information bulletin, ‘FYI’ (For Your Information) and the first newsletter issue of 2022.

FYI Issue 74 – 6 January 2022

We would like to wish you a happy new year and hope you had a restful break over the Christmas period.

We are starting again with a call for anyone across Southern Health and Social Care Trust area interested in joining one of our Locality Planning Group meetings. There is a flyer on Page 3, along with dates of all meetings of the 6 LPGs during 2022. Everyone working or volunteering with a remit for children, young people or family support is welcome to attend.  Meetings give everyone the chance to share what their organisation is doing in the local area, learn about other activities and services, meet other practitioners and keep up-to-speed with partnership work and emerging trends in the local area. You will always be made welcome!


Talk to me before I’m born

Talk to me before I’m born

January’s message is “Talk to me before I’m born…think of the bond we will form”.

Talking, singing and reading to your baby before they are born will help develop a really special bond.

Babies learn lots of things before they are born. At 16-20 weeks your baby can hear your voice and other sounds from the womb.

From around 24-27 weeks babies are able to recognise their mums voice.

We will be sharing more tips and ideas this month for how you can build and develop an attachment with your ‘bump’!