Hillsborough Castle and Gardens free subsidised school trip

Hillsborough Castle and Gardens,  has asked that we make you aware that they are launching a programme for all schoolchildren across Northern Ireland to visit Hillsborough Castle and Gardens for free on a completely subsidised school trip. Given education budgets are under pressure, they wanted to support schools to deliver out of the classroom learning experiences at no cost to them.

In the next few years, their ambition is to ensure that as many as 8,000 pupils per year have access to valuable education resources. We know that the cost of travelling on a school trip can also be prohibitive, so they’ve launched a complimentary Travel Bursary Scheme, that will also help support schools with travel costs.

Hillsborough Castle run facilitated sessions for all Primary, Secondary and SEN schools across the island of Ireland and GB. Their sessions support the local curriculum and explore Hillsborough Castle’s role as a family home, as well as in the political realm, from the 18th to the 21st centuries.

They cover Key Stage 2 with ‘Power and Politics’, Key Stage 3 with ‘The Origins of Northern Ireland’, Key Stage 4 and 5 with ‘Politics, Power and the Path to Peace’, plus Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) sessions on ‘A Working Home’.  There are also sessions on exploring life as a servant in an Anglo-Irish ‘big house’ getting ready for a Victorian wedding! We know how beneficial spending time outdoors is to the health and wellbeing of young people, and that’s why they are also delighted to be offering more schools free access to our gardens for programmes that explore nature, sustainability, and biodiversity.

They are committed to broadening access to Hillsborough Castle and to making sure it becomes a shared space for everyone. That’s why when they re-open the castle in March, they will also be offering £1 tickets for everyone in receipt of Universal Credit.

For more information contact Victoria Shaw Email: Victoria.Shaw@hrp.org.uk

Operations & Business Support Officer (Mon-Thurs), Historic Royal Palaces | Hillsborough Castle and Gardens, The Square | Royal Hillsborough | Co. Down | BT26 6AG

Issue 120 – Southern Area FYI – 22nd February 2024

Welcome to Issue 120 of our fortnightly newsletter, ‘FYI’ (For Your Information).

Download Issue 120

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See inside another impressive range of opportunities, activities and resources to help support children, young people and parents/caregivers in the Southern area.  We always encourage everyone to share this resource with colleagues and families with whom you work and this can be shared on Facebook by visiting the CYPSP page HERE

As always, please keep submitting your information to us and we will be happy to share!

Locality Development Team (Southern Trust Area)

Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccine catch up campaign

Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccine catch up campaign

You may be aware parts of the UK and Europe are seeing an increase in measles cases. Measles is highly infectious, can have serious complications and can be life threatening.  Evidence is clear that the MMR vaccine is the safest way to help protect your child against measles, mumps and rubella.  To help protect your child and others the Public Health Agency (PHA) advise ensuring you are fully vaccinated with MMR.

Measles can cause very serious illness

Measles usually causes a runny nose, red eyes, cough, high temperature and rash. It can also cause complications including ear infections, diarrhoea, pneumonia and convulsions. It is more likely to be serious in pregnant women, people whose immunity is not working properly and babies under a year of age. Very serious complications, such as inflammation of the brain (encephalitis) are rare, but can be fatal

Measles spreads very easily

Measles is one of the most infectious diseases known. You can catch measles if you spend 15 minutes in the same room with someone who has the disease, or even less time if you are in direct contact. The measles virus is spread through the air and in tiny droplets that come out of the nose and mouth of an infected person.

MMR Vaccine

The MMR vaccine is given in two doses as part of the childhood vaccination programme. The first dose is given just after your child’s first birthday and a second dose is given at 3 years and 4 months, before your child starts school

Two doses of the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine provides the best protection against measles.

Even if you may have previously declined vaccination we want to offer you the opportunity to get vaccinated to protect you against Measles infection.

MMR Catch up

Your GP will be running catch up for children aged 12 months to 5 years who have missed their vaccines. You will be contacted by your GP should your child be identified as requiring one or two doses of the MMR vaccine.

Your local Health and Social Care Trust is running an MMR vaccine catch up campaign for those aged 6 to 25 years of age.  The campaign will run from 5th February 2024 until 31st March 2024.  For further information go to www.nidirect.gov.uk/mmr-catch-up


Anyone can get measles if they haven’t been vaccinated or they haven’t had it before, although it’s most common in young children.

Adults and older children can be vaccinated at any age if they haven’t been fully vaccinated before.

Measles is very infectious so it is important that anyone with suspected measles avoids any situation where they can spread the disease, such as a GP’s waiting room or an emergency department waiting room. People should therefore phone there GP, out of hours service and phone first for A&E in advance and get advice rather than turning up to these venues Phone First FAQs – DOH/HSCNI Strategic Planning and Performance Group (SPPG).


Children & Young People’s Resource Pack- February Edition

The February Edition of the Children & Young People’s Resource Pack is OUT Now!

Included is a range of resources & information on activities, disability, looking after your mental health and bereavement.

Download here

(Note: Newsletter will download directly to your device.  Look out for the pop-up box and click on open file when it appears).

Resources and activities are free and in the public domain.

Please share with contacts who you think would find it useful.