Southern Area LPG FYI – 19th August 2021

Welcome to the 65th edition of our information bulletin, FYI (For Your Information).

FYI Issue 65 19 August 2021

We are delighted to include a new resource for young people for emotional wellbeing and mental health.  Over the last few months, members of the Emotional Wellbeing Network in the Southern Area have worked in co-production with young people to produce the Youth Wellness Web, an online resource for young people across Northern Ireland to access information and tips on maintaining good emotional wellbeing. All the details are on the slide 3 of the newsletter, so please share this valuable resource with young people, parents and anyone working with young people.

We also have the usual wide range of opportunities, activities and resources to keep everyone occupied!

Keep well and keep connected!!

Joanne Patterson & Darren Curtis, Locality Development Team, Southern Area

Southern Area LPG FYI – 5th August 2021

Welcome to the 64th edition of our information bulletin, FYI (For Your Information).

FYI Issue 64 5 August 2021

As you can see, it is another bumper edition and due to the massive volume of submissions we get from you (which is always greatly appreciated), we will only post information in one edition, unless otherwise requested. This will avoid duplication and keep ‘FYI’ fresh.

Please remember that on the second last page you can click a link to download the previous two newsletter editions.

See further details on our upcoming Locality Planning Group meetings, which re-commence at the end of August, on Page 41. These meetings are open to anyone working or volunteering in the Southern Area and all are welcome.

Joanne Patterson & Darren Curtis, Locality Development Team, Southern Area

Southern Area LPG FYI – 22nd July 2021

Welcome to the 63rd edition of our information bulletin, FYI (For Your Information).

FYI Issue 63 22nd July 2021

We hope you continue to enjoy our new look ‘FYI’ which includes additional summer activities for the Southern Area.

You may notice this edition contains less pages than usual. We will continue to keep our bulletins in a more manageable size, by including submissions for one edition instead of two (unless otherwise requested). This will help keep ‘FYI’ both relevant and fresh.

We would like to invite any relevant service, organisation or group to our forthcoming Locality Planning Groups, which re-commence in September. We will provide further information on this in our next newsletter.

In the meantime, you will see the dates for all of our upcoming LPG meetings on Page 23.

Joanne Patterson & Darren Curtis, Locality Development Team, Southern Area

Southern Area LPG FYI – 8th July 2021

Welcome to the 62nd edition of our information bulletin, FYI (For Your Information).

FYI Issue 62 8th July 2021

You will see that we have changed the look of our fortnightly newsletter and hope this makes it easier to navigate for you. Any feedback, as always, is very welcome!

We are delighted to be able to share our Summer Activities Directory with you (See page 3), which has been compiled to help children and young people re-connect with services and friends and enjoy the school holidays.

We know that a lot of services are offering an extended range of programmes, activities, workshops, etc. across July & August and so we would ask you to please keep submitting your information to us, so that we can share that on and continue to improve outcomes for children, young people and their families living in the SHSCT area.

Joanne Patterson & Darren Curtis, Locality Development Team, Southern Area

Summer is Coming!

CYPSP have produced this resource to promote summer activities for children and young people throughout the Southern Area

This resource was produced to link in children and young people with summer activities and help reconnect with their friends, activities and services in the local area.

Please share it amongst parents, young people and colleagues with whom you work.

Download your copy HERE


CYPSP Summer Activities Directory 2021